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Lemon Mint
(Monarda citriodora)
Growing Facts

Year-round growing season
At least 6 hours of sunlight daily
Moderate amount of water
Lemon mint requires constantly moist soil, make sure it never dries out
Keep lemon mint well watered but not to the point that the soil is soggy
Plant in a 15-18 inches container, and divide the plants to discourage them from being root-bound. Root-bound is when plants whose roots are 'bound' by some kind of barrier
Plant 1/4-1/2 inches deep spaced 18 inches apart

Fun Facts

In Western culture, the dried boiled leaves were used as the famous 'Melissa Tea' to cure colds
Lemon Mint's genus consists of Melissa (Greek for honey bee) because it can be used as a source of sugar to attract bees to make honey
Lemon Mint can be used as an insect repellent
People have used Lemon Mint to reduce fevers, and treat throats and headaches
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